Data Protection Policy
Shoddy Theatre needs to collect and use certain types of information about the Individuals or service users who come into contact with Shoddy Theatre in order to carry on our work. This personal information must be collected and dealt with appropriately whether is collected on paper, stored in a computer database, or recorded on other material and there are safeguards to ensure this under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the GDPR 2018.
This legislation is based on the right of the individual (the Data Subject) to know what information is being held about them, and how the information will be used.
The Act sets out principles to ensure that personal data is:
Processed fairly and lawfully
Obtained only for specified purposes
Relevant to the purposes for which it is processed
Accurate and kept up to date
Not kept for longer than is necessary
Processed according to the rights of the Data Subject under the legislation
Protected against unauthorised processing, accidental loss or damage
Not transferred to areas outside of the European Union (including via websites) unlawfully
Shoddy Theatre holds personal information on volunteers/staff/service users and may share data with other agencies ie the local authority, funding bodies, other voluntary agencies and HMRC.
Shoddy Theatre seeks to comply with both the letter and the spirit of the Act.Scope of the Policy
Personal records will be kept at Shoddy Theatre in accordance with its policy and procedures
Shoddy Theatre staff and volunteers, other than senior management* in the course of their duty, do not
have access to information on other staff or volunteers
When staff and volunteers leave all personnel documents will be kept for no longer than 6 years from the
date of their departure from the company (in accordance with HMRC guidelines)
Staff and volunteers have the right to see the information held on them by Shoddy Theatre. Requests
should be in writing to the General Manager and Shoddy Theatre will provide a copy of the information
within two weeks of receiving the request. No charge will be made.
Information about individuals will not be disclosed to any third party outside of Shoddy Theatre without
the permission of the individual.
Where photographs and video/audio recordings of staff or service users are used to publicise or promote
the organisation, permission will be sought from individuals and becomes the property of the company providing the release forms have been signed.
This policy will be updated as necessary to reflect best practice in data management, security and control and to ensure compliance with any changes or amendments made to the Data Protection Act 1998.
* The Company Director/Artistic Director or Board Member.